Not impressed at all. I did email Gus asking how can the club expect people to turn up so early. Not so bad if U19's playing but they are not playing until after the seniors. In fairness i did get a quick reply. Gus advised he was having to work with police etc, do not see why reserving car park spaces we have paid for is anything to do with policing. If car parking limited due to army navy match, tough we paid for our spots so people should look elsewhere. We are now coming by train as we dont live far a way. If i got there at midday in car and was not allowed to park car i would probably end up in twickenham nick by 12.05 i am that angry about it. However i intend to see Gus after the match tomorrow, well i see he sits in front of boxes and will be demanding my fiver back for the parking space i paid for which i now cannot use. Probably be in twickenham nick by 2.35 pm then.

End of day its only a fiver, but its the principle of the whole thing....
This season attractive benefits of a season ticket -
Non competitive team to watch every other week.
The legends lounge where you can pay twice to get into ground if season ticket holder. Hence felt excluded, principles

Esher / Wycombe (as had season ticket, obliged to go to home games at extra cost in time and money)
Now this car park shambles.
Is there any point in having a season ticket ???
You are treated as a nobody even though you parted with cash before a ball is kicked in apathy. You know what wont be happening next year, not in this household. Enough is enough..