Maybe I am just a glass half full bloke but I am sure Hendo has got this under control. Neither player (both of whom I wish the very best of luck too), would, I imagine have had this conversation with him a few weeks ago, especially given the emotion being presented, so I reckon he will have been out there scouring the market. I think in an ideal world, he would have sealed the replacements before announcing the departures, but an apparent inadvertent social media post forced his hand today.
He had already stated that they had signed a player but would only announce once his playing commitments had ended. So that can be only 6 clubs and working on the basis of who is off contract I reckon Louis Anderson, Jason Batieri or Mikael Simon from Cats, longshot might be Hansen from Leigh, hopefully not Walters from Leigh, as all these appear to be off contract. My heart tells me a return of LMS and Clubb to their roots, who cares about contracts !!
Our challenge now is to firstly tie in all the remaining players to avoid uncertainty, and then replace a quality half and hooker. Step one tie in Api, then maybe consider Boudebza medium term, he certainly had it but does he still have it. Half back will be tricky as no obvious candidates over here, so maybe a gem from the RLWC, or worst case season long loan, or may be Gidley ?
In terms of budgets, hopefully DH will go large, but interestingly, listening to the Tim Sheens interview on BBC podcast, they didn’t spend big this season and they did ok.
As for
Quote Honkytonk="Honkytonk"talk of part time the year after'"
I have only ever seen it mentioned by folk on here who I am sure aren't in the know.
Back to the leavers, I wouldn’t be surprised to see Will in a Cats jersey and Andy in a Leigh or Warrington jersey next season. The real shame is we didn’t get to say goodbye.