Quote Trojan Horse="Trojan Horse"A few things.
These look like good additions and appear to have been selected by Mash himself with some local links and some good experience (some from educational sector).
That is a very informative and positive article release.
I have noticed the club seem to be communicating better through media channels and it does look more professional and positive on recent releases. Long may that continue as communication and engagement is important.
Overall I’m pleased with that!'"
Whichever way I phrase this I'm going to sound like I'm taking credit, but I'm not. These were issues regarding lack of information you all mentioned when I asked what you wanted me to ask JM about when I met him a few weeks back, so we can all take credit.
TBH the club have gone much further than I requested. I thought the Trinity TV video regarding the stadium was a master stroke, all I suggested was a statement. Today is even better because this wasn't really an issue, as I only really mentioned info regarding the stadium and more general stuff. Today's post is full of information, and as I stated it's typical of Applegarth attention to detail. He didn't need to do this but he did and the club followed it up.
I'm really chuffed, and if one or two other things that were discussed eventually come off, then the best is yet to come. One I hope to hear of soon is mundane but very useful. The other is very important and could transform the club (not in a Glover important way).
These may be a bit off, but keep an eye out.