Quote J20="J20"Remember that quite clearly Poggie but have now forgotten who it was that knocked on! Lol. Maybe Blythe? Lost the ball straight from the dummy halfs pass dropped on it then we went to drop on him / picked the ball up and the next minute they had the penalty. Very poor that all 3 officials missed it.
Agree they overall have probably been a bit better this year but my word yes last season many were awful in numerous games. Maybe just giving less in general this season?'"
Yes - I remember now that it was Blythe. Good memory you have!
Oh, I also had a bet with myself as to how long it would take Hicks to penalise us. I thought 4 mins but in reality it was about 90 secs.
I'm not suggesting that the penalty wasn't justified but do think it strange that Hicks always finds something to penalise us for but rarely the opposition even though they are doing the same as we were when he penalised us